
Martha's Vineyard Collection

Martha's Vineyard Collection

Enjoy the laid-back elegance of the Martha’s Vineyard Collection. Exclusively at abc, this classic series delivers cozy comfort and modern clean-lined design. Offered in customizable slipcovers and upholstered fabrics.

Martha's Vineyard Slipped Chair & 1/2 Graceland, Performance Blend / Sorrell Martha's Vineyard Slipped Chair & 1/2 Graceland, Performance Blend / Sorrell
Cobble Hill Martha's Vineyard Slipped Chair & 1/2 from $1,596.00
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Bright, airy living room with neutral colors and elegant decor.
Cobble Hill Martha's Vineyard Slipped Two Seat Sofa from $2,196.00
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Martha's Vineyard Slipped Sectional, Right Facing Graceland, Performance Blend / Sorrell Martha's Vineyard Slipped Sectional, Right Facing Graceland, Performance Blend / Sorrell
Cobble Hill Martha's Vineyard Slipped Sectional from $3,996.00
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Cobble Hill Martha's Vineyard Slipped Large Ottoman from $676.00
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Cobble Hill Martha's Vineyard Slipped 104" Three Seat Grand Sofa from $2,796.00 $3,495.00
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Cobble Hill Martha's Vineyard Slipped Chaise from $1,996.00 $2,495.00
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